Brand Authenticity


Brand Authenticity


The authenticity of brands:

So far, aspects of brand authenticity play a minor role in academic research. Although there is no doubt concerning the relevance of the concept for strategic brand management. Especially growing brand parity and market transparency caused by new internet-based communication devices will place more importance on the authenticity of brands for their future success. This presentation by Prof. Dr. Mike Schallehn is about the concept of brand authenticity, grounding on the identity-based brand management approach. The key learnings are:


Complete journal article about the brand authenticity construct:

The research findings of Prof. Dr. Schallehn are as well published in the Journal of Product & Brand Management. You will find information about the structural brand authenticity model consisting of antecedents and effects of authentic brands. Furthermore a brand authenticity scale is developed which can be used by marketers and academics for a valid measurement of the construct.

Schallehn, M./Burmann, C./Riley, N. (2014): "Brand authenticity: model development and empirical testing", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 23, Iss: 3, pp. 192-199.

NEW: Brand authenticity: model development and empirical testing

Brand authenticity journal article


Brand Authenticity - Marken Authentizität - Impressum